
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 Things About Myself that Drive me Nuts {Listable Life}

It's time for Moments That Define Life's Listable Life already! Where do the days go? Really, where? I'm sure that this will leave many of my readers questioning my stability but I do think I mentioned Listable Life is therapeutic so let your freak flag fly friends and link up!

1. Phobias
Since my husband is an avid (extreme) hiker he would love for me to just get over my fear of heights but it's proven impossible. I've been able to convince myself that these fears are both irrational and  unjustified. I mean just because I'm climbing up this mountain does not mean I'll plunge to my death but that doesn't  mean I won't visualize it anyway. Another phobia I have is groups of things clustered together. No idea why. It just really wigs me out. Hate it! I blame it on that Florida Wolf Spider. Google it! It's so disturbing.

2. On Time
My mom put the fear of God in me  raised me to be a punctual person. If I am heading to a place I've never been, I make sure to leave myself PLENTY of time in case I get I don't break into a cold sweat and shift into panic mode. Because this will happen and when it does I lose all of my coping skills.
Note: I'm glad my mom instilled the importance of timeliness, even if it does turn me into an anxiety filled lunatic.

3. I'm a twirler
I constantly twirl my hair but I didn't realize how much I did this until my co-worker (several years ago) said "you know, people are going to think you are crazy if they see you doing that in public". Wha? Doing what in public? So I'm aware but I haven't stopped. Some people chew their nails, I twirl.

4. Focus
There are so many wonderful things about parenting but there are a few downfalls as we all know. One of my biggest is focus. Once upon a time in my preparenting days I was so focused, detail oriented, and by the book on everything with an excellent memory. Now....I'm a scatterbrained mess. There are days where I surprise myself and pull it together enough to pat myself on the back and say "you rock at this parenting thing". However there are other days where I have my kids dress for soccer and ballet and realize on the way to and ballet are not on Wednesday. What the heck is wrong with you!?! Or I forget to put their water bottle in their lunch bags. What kind of mother does this? Night before preparation is crucial for me. There is no telling what will happen the next morning if I don't stick to this routine.

5. Procrastination
Ugh. I've always had procrastinating tendencies. I'm either right on top of it or buried so far underneath the denial of needing to get it done that there is no way out.  I'm kidding, it's not that bad and I don't procrastinate on everything, in fact, very little but once in awhile....there is that one thing I do not want to do and it takes an act of congress to get it done. Once it's done I ALWAYS think... that was easy, why such resistance?

So what are the things about yourself that drive you nuts? Link up today!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my focus died when the twins came along....sad...sad state of disorganized affairs over here. :0/ But I still make it on time to most places! We're a lot alike you and I - gosh I miss you ;-) XO.
