
Friday, September 7, 2012

Master Bedroom Closet Organization {Part: 4}

 I've arranged my everyday tank tops this way so that I can see right away what I have not to mention it's very useful when I'm at Target thinking that I need more tanks. This is a visual reminder of what I already have color wise. You can see that I've duplicated quite a bit here so obviously this is due to the disorganized state my closet has been in over the last year.

 You might she needs more sweaters. But I don't, I live in a tropical environment and really don't get to wear sweaters at all. So that is why I've chosen to place them on the top shelf of my closet. Occasionally I need to grab one so it is not to the point of reaching the donate pile just yet.

I love perfume! Since these are a part of my everyday, I have my perfume and sunglasses on the same shelf. This year it seems on top of my handbag obsession I've also developed an obsession with sunglasses.'s a never ending cycle. I need therapy. :)

 A few clothes with the tags still on them.

Three bags for donations to United Cerebral Palsy!

Thanks for stopping by and seeing the Master Bedroom Closet Organization through to the end. I've already got several home projects in the making so check back often and share your organizational skills with me.

If you haven't already, check out parts 1-3 here.

Part: 1
Part: 2
Part: 3

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